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"It's not how much $$$ you spend....It's how AWESOME you make it look" !!!

Love, Chacha

Monday, October 14, 2013

MOM to MOM : My Love for Halloween.

Halloween it's around the corner and I don't know what am I going to dress up as yet. And that includes my little one. It is my favorite non-holiday Holiday. I get so excited for this day that I wish we could celebrate for more than one day. I dare to say that it should be an official Holiday, have the day off  from work and the following day as well. Why does Thanksgiving and Christmas have all the fun?
When I was growing up we didn't celebrate Halloween but a carnival in February, where we also had the chance to dress up, wear masks, etc. I always wanted to dress up as a gypsy.  All because I could wear lots of jewelry, bright makeup, a long colorful skirt and a head scarf ( too bad I don't have pictures from those times.) I still dress up like that sometimes, but a little bit less gypsy. I don't want people staring at me.

 My love for Halloween it's inexplicable. I think it's because it allows me to be somebody else at least for one day or better yet it allows me to wear outfits that I won't normally wear. It's a great feeling when you can become a character, a super hero, your favorite artist or just for the heck of it just wear something outrageous.
A couple years ago by September my friends and I used to make plans of whom we were going to be for Halloween or where we were going. Sometimes we had parties at home or went clubbing all dressed up wearing  sexy outfits, it was a blast. Now my concentration goes to whom my little boy is going to be every year. Since becoming a mom my taste for sexy outfits and clubbing changed a tiny bit. I do miss those times but I still love to celebrate and have fun with the kids and for the kids and we still get dressed up on a  kids-friendly way thou. I don't regret my outfits from yesteryear,  I embrace my courage for doing it and the best part is that I have so much fun looking at the pictures now and laugh about it  and that's worth it.
So go ahead be a kid again and be who you want be, wear the most crazy outfit yet, have fun and don't forget that Halloween it's just one day....unfortunately!

Love Chacha

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